Planning Your First Visit
Thanks for stopping by! Through fellowship with Christians, messages from the Word, and serving the Lord, you’ll feel right at home at Harvest Baptist. Whether you're just curious about church and God or you’re a committed follower of Jesus Christ, you are welcome to join us at Harvest. Enjoy your visit through the website, but don't stop there—join us this Sunday!

Our worship is uplifting, inspirational, and reflective. Before Pastor Ryan brings us a message from God’s Word, you’ll have an opportunity to hear soloists or the Harvest Baptist Choir as they sing praises to the Lord. We enjoy traditional hymns and some great gospel music that brings us closer to Christ.

We love children of all ages, and your child will receive excellent childcare at each one of our services. Our loving caregivers are able to care for your small children. Nursing mothers can take advantage of a private nursing mother’s room adjacent to the nursery.

You do not need to give money to attend Harvest Baptist. Our desire is that our service would be a gift to you, so don't feel obligated to give during the offering time.

Please feel free to come however you feel most comfortable. While some members wear dressy attire, we do not have a dress code. Our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable on your visits with us here at Harvest Baptist Church.